Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Kates Post

Kate Scott
Mr. Salsich
February 26, 2009
English 9
A Brave New World:
An Essay
What if we all lived on a peaceful world where you didn’t have to worry about war or fights? On the island that Prospero and Miranda lived on, they lived in peace at the end. They forgave and accepted there self’s and each other.

TS In the play “The Tempest” every one has changed. SD Firstly, Prosper, who was kicked out of his kingdom by his own brother, was finally able to let the anger go. CM For 12 years he has held onto anger towards his brother and has been waiting to get revenge. CM But, Prospero is tired of being angry and decides to forgive his brother. SD another person who has found peace is Miranda. CM When the boat crashed Ferdinand swam to the island and found Miranda. CM before they even knew each other for more then a day they fell in love and got married and will live together in peace forever. SD Another person that is bringing peace to the island is Caliban. CM he is finding out that he does not need to follow any one but himself. CM He has become his own person. CS Every one on the island has found peace in them self or with some one.

TS If are world was ever going to be peace full a lot would have to change. SD I feel that the first step to a peaceful world would be acceptance. CM Everyday things happen in the world just because people cannot understand each other or them self’s. CM If people could learn to accept people for who they are, how they look, or what they believe in the world would be much more serene. SD Another virtue the world need is forgiveness. CM A lot of people in the world hold grudges and never forgive. CM Once people can learn to forgive every one can learn to get along. SD The last virtue I think the world needs more of is service. CM A lot of people talk about going and doing something for some one but they don’t usually do it. CM If everyone did just one thing for one another the world would be much better. CS With these three virtues every one would be happier and the world would be peaceful.

If the world was able to give service and help each other I feel that we would all be more productive. We would not have all of the fighting we do today.

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