Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Parker Verhoeff

Mr. Salsich

English 9

A Brave New World:
An Analysis on What Was Done in The Tempest, and What Needs to be Done Today

An island full of society's rejects; misfits that hadn't even found the place where they fit in, somehow found the key to happiness. They made ammends; reconciled with eachother. They each had the courage, and diligence to carry out this incredible deed.

In The Tempest, Miranda realizes "how beauteous mankind is!" The rest of the characters agree, explaining how they all are now reborn.-Loose Sentence Gonzalo goes on to say "In one voyage did Claribel her husband find at Tunis, and Ferdinand, her brother, found a wife where he himself was lost, Prospero [found] his dukedom in a poor isle and all of us [found] ourselves when no man was his own." In one shipwreck, there was happiness to be found. At the end of the long, dark tunnel of despair, there was a light. A light that shines bright, on this "brave new world". Even Caliban, Stephano, Antonio and Trinculo, who were portrayed as the villains throughout the story, have now reconciled-FAST. After, they drank themselves to pure oblivion for the majority of the play, they realized their wrong-doings, and since Prospero has forgiven them, they forgave themselves. This action was as much necessary as it was, extraordinary. Prospero had forgiven them because he needed closure himself. He had realized that his magic wasn't all that good either, so he drowned his books, and broke his staff along with it. Two shipwrecks, caused many more people the happiness they deserved.

For our world- our realities- to ever become as peaceful and ostentatious-FAST, as the spurious-FAST, evanescent-FAST world on the Island of The Tempest, we need diligence, forgiveness, and courage.-Periodic Sentence We would need to be diligent to forgive, and we would need the courage to do it. As Prospero forgave his enemies, we need to stop holding our useless grudges that benefit no one. Forgiveness would end all wars, all conflicts that have been going on in this world for centuries. For instance, Muslims have been prosecuted by the Christians since the crusades. Since there has been no forgiveness between these to parties, we are at war with them today, in Iraq. I know this seems a little naive, but if you think about countries forgiving other countries for things that were done a long time ago, we would be living in a much better place then we are now.-Compound-Complex Sentence We all need to show the courage that was portrayed by all of the rejects on that island. This has to be done dilligently, and with dignity. I feel like we were taught this in kindergarten; if someone hits you don't hit back, use your words. It is something that is as simple enough to teach to five year olds, but complicated enough to fill the world with violence and terror for milleniums to come.

This "brave new world" can be our world. We are as courageous as Prospero, and diligent as Ariel. Their perfect island, can become reality. But we need to redeem ourselves first. We need to find ourselves, until the warm blanket of redemption comforts and relieves us of our cruelty.

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