Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Parker Verhoeff


Mr. Salsich


ISP Journal

In England from March 5th-12th


Waking Up at 2:00 a.m. is not my idea of fun, but we all managed to slowly, and groggily get up four our exciting trip to England! The bus ride to the airport was long and strenuous, anxiously awaiting our departure overseas. As hard as I tried, I could not seem to sleep, even while I listened to the soft, mellow melodies of Tristan’s “Ipod”. When we got to the airport, however I did not feel tired. The anxiety, twisting and churning in my stomach, began to take its toll. The knowledge that we’re finally embarking on the trip, that I have been looking forward to since fifth grade and some of us since pre-school began to sink in. I am feeling a sense of awe for the excitement to come. I also can’t wait for this trip to commence, once we land in England. But I most certainly am going to feel exhausted tonight from being up since 2:00 a.m. Lastly, I know that I will remember what I will see, and what I’ve already seen for years to come.


As I sit here under the eye-blinding sun, on this old brown bench, I listen to the chirps and squeaks of the birds. I listen to the gentle pitter-patter of the fountain, forcing a small, but respectful stream of water up and out its spout. I watch people go about there day, walking, rushing back to reality.

Strolling around London was an exquisite experience; witnessing buildings that were built more than two centuries ago; looking at the very same buildings that were looked at by Charles Dickens. Given they were probably more overgrown with long vines, and riddled with a few more cracks; vines that almost suffocate the buildings and cracks that form veins. Every building was like this I noticed, even the informal pub we stopped at.


Awaiting the day with a burning intensity, I sit on this soft couch. I sit tentatively watching, as people stroll past me. But I rest my legs. I rest my mind.

Imagine a stadium full of people screaming all at once, for one specific reason; “football”! I noticed their devotion and passion for the game. For instance, Mr. Salsich was talking with some locals on the train and asked how much they love the sport, a man replied, “It’s our only sport.” This tells me how large their infatuation with “football” really is. However the game was overwhelmingly exciting, either way. The final score was 3-2, Watford (the away team) over Charlton Athletic. Going down to the wire, it made for a terrific day in England!


The market, filled with cool commodities, holds more treasures than we will ever know. “One man’s trash, is another man’s treasure”, they always say. This definitely pertains to this market, which had a booth filled with old records and torn up books. The market has its own culture that, I believe, is better than our own.


The oldest classroom in the world that is still used today is located here. This is a place for knowledge, and a place of dignity. Touring Eaton College was an excellent experience, being able to see the towering chapels and overpowering pipe organs. The food was also very satisfying, especially after having only a bowl of cereal for breakfast, and tirelessly walking around Windsor Castle. Our guide, the choir teacher, was very personal and made the tour ever more enjoyable. I was in awe when I saw all of the boys in tails and white bow-ties. We now sit in an abandoned classroom, quietly and solemnly twitching away our pencils. We all sit, recollecting. It was a very interesting day do far, as we head for Evensong. Today we felt the royal side of England, from Windsor Castle to the prestigious Eaton College.


The breathtaking landscape outside calms and soothes me. I’m in awe of its beautifulness. I am in awe of the buildings that haven’t changed for centuries, and probably will not change for centuries to come. Vibrant colors of green and sharp undertones of brown catch my eye. This is the same countryside that Shakespeare saw. Finally we reach our destination of Stratford upon Avon.

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