Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Scarlet's Essay!

Scarlet Caruso
English 9
Hamilton Salsich

Brave New World:
An essay on the ending of The Tempest by Shakespeare

What does it take to make a community, a country, a world to become completely happy and peaceful?(PERIODIC SENTENCE) Does it take an inspiring leader? Or a simple, "I'm sorry"? There are many things that can get humans to get along. In The Tempest the island is fortuitous(SAT) enough to achieve this state of peace.

Many things can cause people to come together and create a new and better community. Knowledge is one of those things. When learning, people become closer because they want to share the knowledge and learn together. All of the characters in The Tempest learned about themselves and they have all become better people. When tragedy strikes many people tend to become closer friends. When the shipwreck happened it ended up bringing people together. For example, Miranda and Ferdinand found love out of the deleterious (SAT) shipwreck. Another thing that brings people together is recognizing ones flaws. When people realize that they might not be as great as they think they are it helps the community move forward and become better. For example Trinculo realized that he should not drink anymore, now he won't spread his disease to the people around him and now the island is a better place.(LOOSE SENTENCE) Many things helped the island become a better place and those were knowledge, tragedy and accepting ones flaws. Now the island is a "brave new world".

If I were to choose three virtues to create a peaceful world I would decide on creativity, enthusiasm and love. Creativity is something that the world needs. Without creativity we would not have music, art or entertainment. Those things are staples of humankind. Enthusiasm is something you would need as well. Would I feel inspired by President Obama's speech to Congress if he was mumbling and not making eye contact with audience as if he did not care? No, I would not. So, you need to have enthusiasm in that the problem will get better and that we can do it! The last and most definitely not least we would need love. Love is what weaves the sometimes ripped and torn blanket of humanity together. Without love this world as we know it would not exist.

On the island of The Tempest all they needed was knowledge, tragedy and the realization of one's flaws. In our world I believe it would take creativity, enthusiasm and love. So many different things could be used to renovate (SAT) beautiful world. Our world is full of, "beauteous mankind" all we need is a little help.

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