Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Parker Verhoeff

English 9

Mr. Salsich

The Force of Music:
An Analysis of Music in The Tempest, and My Own Life

1:Caliban is horribly deformed and malicious; I am just a kid. 2: But we do have one thing in common, music has a powerful affect on us. 3: Caliban can leave his horrific life with the force of music, and it can make me melt in the sun. 4: Music is a force that can break through the strongest of barriers, the barrier of the human spirit.

TS: In Shakespeare's, The Tempest, Caliban is imprisoned, but it seems he can escape the solitude with music. SD: "Be not [afraid]; the isle is full of noises", Caliban knows of these wonderful sounds on the island, and he can't get enough of it. CM: He goes on to say that "sometimes a thousand twangling instruments will hum about mine ears, and sometime[s] voices", which he believes is beautiful. CM: When that humming stops however, he can't function without it, and he "cries" to hear it once more. SD: When he heard this music he dreamt "the clouds [...] would open and show riches ready to drop upon me", and when he awoke he hoped that he would soon be asleep again to witness this magical feat-(Compound-Complex Sentence). CM: He would hope to soon be asleep, to escape his horrible life-(Short Sentence). CM: Since he's confined within is own native island, music is all he has to help him cope with his struggles-(Appositive - Sent. Opener). SD: Caliban is perceived as this horrible creature, but music seems to open the door to a more kind and gentle Caliban that we haven't seen before. CM: It lets you see that Caliban is more of a three-dimensional character as Prospero. CM: Caliban is not just a tough brute, who is only good for manual labor, he has a soft side after all-(Compound-Complex Sentence). CS: Music is a powerful force that can turn Caliban- a huge, monstrous creature- into a sweet and full-hearted being-(Appositive - Noun).

TS: In my life, music plays an enormous part. SD: I can do anything while listening to music. CM: Even while I'm writing this paragraph, I am listening to music. CM: I also listen to music while I read, and while I do nothing. SD: In addition to listening to music, I can play music- by myself, with my friends, or in my mind-(3 Consecutive Prepositional Phrases). CM: I love to play the drums, by myself is great, but with my friends it's even better. CM: However, in my mind the music is expressed in the form of patting on my knees, or drumming with my fingers on tables, which is a perfect way to release my ever-flowing energy. SD: Furthermore, like Caliban, music makes all of my worries melt away, like a snowman beneath the sweltering (FAST) sun. CM: I can be so angry, I can't even talk, but music calms me , and reassures me that everything is going to be alright. CM: Music was, is, and always will be there for me. CS: I absolutely love music, and it's the one thing that I'll constantly have throughout my life.

1: Music is with everyone.-(Short Sentence) 2: It can be found everywhere, and can be heard for miles and miles. 3: It's in the trees, and in the birds soaring above them. 4: Music is the universal solvent that blends us all together.


Scaruso said...

Wow! That was a really well written essay. I really enjoyed you first body paragraph because it seemed that you really understood the concept. Your first sentence sounds a little strange, maybe you might want to look at it a little more. Also in your third sentence you need an "it" between "and" and "can". Nice job!

Kate Scott said...

Great job Parker! That was a very good essay. I really liked your fast word sweltering. I also liked your last sentence to the essay. Mr. Mitchell would be proud of your solvent usage. one thing to work on is making sure all of your sentences are clear. GOOD JOB!