Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Kimo- Brave New World

Kimo Gray
English 9
Mr. Salsich.

Brave New World
An essay on The Tempest and Society Construction

Webster’s Dictionary defines “Society” as “An organized, voluntary association working together because of common interests, beliefs, or profession.” In William Shakespeare’s play, “The Tempest,” the diverse inhabitants of an island put aside their disparities and disputes so that they can survive in their own “Brave New World.” There are no such things as social classes, no such thing as corrupted power, just a true society, one that molds itself from the shards of rubble into a beauteous symbol for the world to see.

As President Barack Obama promises us, “There is no easy way to fix a problem so intricate and complicated…But hear me, this will be fixed.” There is no such thing as an easy solution. In fact there can be no solution to the problem like the one in “The Tempest” if not for forgiveness. Through forgiveness, Prospero was able to thwart Antonio and Sebastian’s plot. Through forgiveness, Ferdinand found and was allowed to marry the love of his life. Through forgiveness, Prospero was able to free himself from his confinement to magic. Some of the most unappreciated machines on Earth are timepieces. Slowly meshing the cogs within, clocks are always on a correction coarse to define our when. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. This is how this “Brave New World is;” The inhabitants of the Island know the difficulties that lie ahead, but must rely on each other, on each individual ‘cog,’ so that they can excel in the prosperity of peace. (Loose sentence) This eccentric congregation (Sat); a jester, a drunk, a monster with inner beauty, two conniving brothers, a solemn king, a renounced duke, his daughter and the love of her life, an old man with more wisdom that hairs on his beard, and all the other shipmen, fairies, and wonders of the Island rejoice in this Brand New World, one which requires everybody willing to love to lend a tender hand.

Though there is no clear recipe for a new society, there are a few key elements required.(Periodic Sentence) While forming a new society, you have to accept that not everything is going to work out at once. One important trait needed is flexibility, or the ability to take your society and mold whatever isn’t working into something else. A society can never be perfect, but if you don’t enhance it than adversity(SAT) is inevitable. Another key trait involved in a society is responsibility. As a mentioned earlier, a society isn’t just one or two people. It is many people, who all have to pull their own weight for everyone to succeed. A third trait required is humility. In order to form a “Brave New World” you have to be amicable(SAT), and accept that everyone is equal and that you are as equal as everyone else. Along with humility comes simplicity, or the simple need to put away our pompous egos and work together, or else we’ll die alone. Flexibility, responsibility, humility, these are but three of the many virtues that make up a society, but when harnessed, are a force unprecedented.

As we examine these elements of society, I question, “Does our own society uphold these virtues?” The answer I found, was no. Sadly, our society today focuses more on cheating, stealing, lying, all the things a society does not need. We are going through bad times lately, but as long as we remain flexible, maintain our responsibilities to our nation, and uphold the humble title of American, than we, just like the citizens of the Island, can make our world a better place.

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