Monday, April 20, 2009

Kates post

Kate Scott

English 09

Mr. Salsich

April 22, 2009


An Essay about Two Poems and a Story

The word sentimental can relate to a lot of things.  This word can have a lot of meaning but in the dictionary sentimental means, “prompted by feelings often tenderness, or sadness”. This definition can relate to two poems and one short story very well. 

           TS The word sentimental, is used in a negative way at the beginning of the “The Garden Party” by Katherine Mansfield. SD In the beginning of the short story the main character, Laura, is preparing for her party and finds out that a man has died right down the street from her. CM This man is a poor workman, but she still feels bad about his death and about the music that his heartbroken family will have hear. CM When she tells her sister about her idea about canceling the party, Laura’s sister, Jose, is not happy about it.  SD As she tells Laura that she is “just as sympathetic” as Laura is, her face gets angry. CM Not the kind of look someone would have when they feel sentimental towards something. CM Laura senses this and ends the conversation.  CS Even though Laura didn't cancel the party she stopped by the families house because her emotion was to strong to not do any thing.    

TS Unlike Katherine Mansfield's character Jose, the poem "The Traveling Onion" has a good view of the word sentimental.  SD Naomi Shihab Nye, the poet, really seems to appretiate the onion.  CM She has so much emotion in this poem.  CM She is putting so much feeling into the onoin she "could kneel and praise".  SD  In a way Ms. Nye respects the onion.  CM She writes that the union "disappears" so the rest of the stew gets noticed.  CS Ms. nye is truly in awa with the onion and what it does.  

TS  Emily Dickinson also shows sentimental feeling in her poem "I'm Nobody."  SD  When you read the poem it seems that she has excess emotion. CM In her first line she states "I'm nobody!" with an exclamation showing how happy she is.  CM Most people would not find it joyful to be nobody, but Dickinson does.  SD "How dreary to be somebody" she says with so much emotion.  CM Explaining to the reader that if you are somebody you are "public like a frog."  CM While talking about what it would be like to be someone she gets very sentimental. CS Emily Dickinson puts so much emotion in to her poems and that is what makes them so great.  

In the story and the two poems emotion is spilling out.  You can't help to see it and feel it. Katherine Mansfield,Naomi Shihab Nye, and Emily Dickinson show a lot of emotion while writing.  It is truly wonderful to read.  


Scaruso said...

Great job! I like this essay a lot. I love the sentence, "In the story and the two poems emotion is spilling out." It's good one. I also loved your use of small quotes. Two things you can fix is changing unoin to onions, clearly a simple typo. Also make sure you capitilize everything! Besides that I think this is a wonderful essay!!

pverhoeff said...


You are GOOD! I enjoyed your concluding paragraph. It blended all of the main body paragraphs together very well. As Scarlet said just read it over for typos. Also in the sentence, "Unlike Katherine Mansfields charecter Jose, the poem "traveling unoin" has a good view of the word sentimental," you should add an apostrophe after the letter "d" in Mansfield's, and "charecter" is spelled character. Also, when you introduce the poem you capitalize it: "The Traveling Onion".

Anonymous said...

Dear Kate, It is amazing how graceful your essays can be with your wonderfully simple style of writing. One thing you might want to do is do another read through to correct minor errors such as punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. I enjoyed your passage on the Garden Party, as I had never thought about how Laura really felt. With a little work, this essay could be a great one.