Wednesday, April 8, 2009

English Portfolio- Quarter 3

For my English class portfolio I chose a post I made on the class forum. One of the reasons I chose this is because I worked really hard on it. I wrote and re-wrote sentences and tried to capture exactly who I was at that moment. I tried really hard to get it just right. Another reason I chose it is because it’s simple. Often I find that my writing needs to have good vocabulary and have a wise meaning behind it to be good. Instead, I wrote using words I had learned in 2nd grade but it still came off a great writing. Finally, I really just enjoy it. I think it’s a fun and quirky piece of writing. I like the ways it sounds when I read it to myself and that’s a grand feeling!

My Post:
I must say that I disagree with Julie and Eleanor. I know who I am at the moment. So, who is Scarlet? I am an irritating, loud, outgoing, strange girl who chooses to dress as if she is from Hogwarts. Right now, I love Harry Potter, The Beatles, my three best friends: Ceilie, Anna, Lydia, the fact that there are only 9 days until we leave for England, and my dog Bella. Right now, I hate, that I still have to read the science homework, that I can't watch Across The Universe, that we have 3 months left until the end of school and the fact that I don't personally know President Barack Obama. Some of these things will change and others will remain a fact forever. This is who I am at 7:28 pm February 23, 2009. Hello, I am Scarlet Elizabeth Caruso.

First Body Paragraph:

Courage is everywhere. In the poem “Courage”, Anne Sexton says, “It is in the small things we see it.” For example, getting up each day takes a lot of courage. It is courageous to get out of bed and not worry about what the day has in store for you. We can also find courage in love. It takes a lot of audacity to love. And when in love you’ll do anything for that person and then “[your] courage [is] not courage, it [is] love” You can find courage in sadness too because you need courage to face grief. If you lose a loved one, a lot of bravery is required to accept your pain. It takes a lot of courage to give your sadness, “a back rub” and to care for it. Courage is everywhere. It is in love and loss and in that first step in the morning.


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