Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Parker Verhoeff

English 9

Mr. Salsich

The "First Steps" of Courage:
An Essay on a Poem, by Anne Sexton

Anne Sexton has wisdom, and love, but most of all courage. She talks about horrific censure-FAST towards her, but she still persevered. I, on the other hand, haven't experienced life as much as Sexton, but I need courage just the same, even if it's for different things.

Anne Sexton's poem, "Courage", speaks of courage in everyday life. She speaks of courage in the child, taking his/her first step into the endless abyss that is our world. She writes, "The child's first step, as awesome as an earthquake", comparing a child's step to an earthquake-Loose Sentence. I believe a child's first step calls for as much courage as a soldier's first time at war. In addition, she goes on to to say, "You did not fondle the weakness inside you [...] Your courage was a small coal that you kept swallowing", because it takes courage to disregard your weaknesses and take the "bullets" of criticism, and the "bombs" of complete alienation-Polysyndeton. It's courageous to live. It's courageous to remain untouched by bitter society. In the last stanza she talks about death. She tells us, "You'll bargain with the calendar and at the last moment when death opens the back door you'll put on your carpet slippers and stride out", informing us that it's just as simple as walking out the back door. She explains it in such a nonchalant-FAST way, because death is not a big deal; it's natural and happens to everyone. Finally, she will "stride" out, not just walk, because she knows it's going to be alright; she had the courage, and the bravery, and the love that was needed to fulfill her life.

Like Anne Sexton, I need courage in my life, but I need courage for different reasons. I need courage for performing in my band. Unlike Sexton, I have not experienced the "bullets" of criticism, and the "bombs" of complete alienation, enough to need courage for them. I need courage to get up on stage in front of people and play music, no matter what the crowd thinks of me. Furthermore, Sexton seems to not be afraid of dying, because she has fulfilled her life. Well, I haven't yet accomplished the majority of my life, and I am still very much afraid of death. I might not need courage for dying later in my life, but right now I don't have the complete temerity-FAST that is needed to just "stride" out, from the world, leaving everything behind, and yet leaving nothing behind-Antithesis. Finally, I believe that I needed courage for my first steps, as well. I needed courage to put one foot in front of the other, into the vast open air, alone. It is a great example of how fearless a child can be, by just using its legs. This poem, speaking of the courage that life asks for, pertains to my own life, even though my point of views might be a little different than Sexton's.

Anne Sexton and I probably aren't alike in any way, but we have one thing in common- courage. Everybody needs it, from soldiers to a baby, taking his/her's first step. I bet Sexton needed courage to write this extraordinary poem, in the first place.


Anonymous said...

These essays keep getting better and better. I'm quite honestly not sure how to say this, but Parker, "You ARE GOOD!!!" Seriously though, this is a GREAT essay. One aspect I love about your writing is how honest you are, and you're strong words keep it simple yet bold. The only things I can recommend is to watch out for one-word quotes, as I feel they take away from the passion of the sentence. Another thing is the word censure; though it may be correct (I'm not sure) it is a little awkward, but I'm sure working in some rewording will do wonders. Parker, if it was up to me I'd give you an A+ right now.

Scaruso said...


That was a rockin essay! I loved both sentences that were examples of polysydenton. I really enjoyed your opinions on the poem as well. Only things you could work on is trying not to be so vague and as Kimo said censure might not be the right word. Other than that...AMAZING JOB!