Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Kates Post

Kate Scott
Mr. Salsich
February 26, 2009
English 9
A Brave New World:
An Essay
What if we all lived on a peaceful world where you didn’t have to worry about war or fights? On the island that Prospero and Miranda lived on, they lived in peace at the end. They forgave and accepted there self’s and each other.

TS In the play “The Tempest” every one has changed. SD Firstly, Prosper, who was kicked out of his kingdom by his own brother, was finally able to let the anger go. CM For 12 years he has held onto anger towards his brother and has been waiting to get revenge. CM But, Prospero is tired of being angry and decides to forgive his brother. SD another person who has found peace is Miranda. CM When the boat crashed Ferdinand swam to the island and found Miranda. CM before they even knew each other for more then a day they fell in love and got married and will live together in peace forever. SD Another person that is bringing peace to the island is Caliban. CM he is finding out that he does not need to follow any one but himself. CM He has become his own person. CS Every one on the island has found peace in them self or with some one.

TS If are world was ever going to be peace full a lot would have to change. SD I feel that the first step to a peaceful world would be acceptance. CM Everyday things happen in the world just because people cannot understand each other or them self’s. CM If people could learn to accept people for who they are, how they look, or what they believe in the world would be much more serene. SD Another virtue the world need is forgiveness. CM A lot of people in the world hold grudges and never forgive. CM Once people can learn to forgive every one can learn to get along. SD The last virtue I think the world needs more of is service. CM A lot of people talk about going and doing something for some one but they don’t usually do it. CM If everyone did just one thing for one another the world would be much better. CS With these three virtues every one would be happier and the world would be peaceful.

If the world was able to give service and help each other I feel that we would all be more productive. We would not have all of the fighting we do today.

Scarlet's Essay!

Scarlet Caruso
English 9
Hamilton Salsich

Brave New World:
An essay on the ending of The Tempest by Shakespeare

What does it take to make a community, a country, a world to become completely happy and peaceful?(PERIODIC SENTENCE) Does it take an inspiring leader? Or a simple, "I'm sorry"? There are many things that can get humans to get along. In The Tempest the island is fortuitous(SAT) enough to achieve this state of peace.

Many things can cause people to come together and create a new and better community. Knowledge is one of those things. When learning, people become closer because they want to share the knowledge and learn together. All of the characters in The Tempest learned about themselves and they have all become better people. When tragedy strikes many people tend to become closer friends. When the shipwreck happened it ended up bringing people together. For example, Miranda and Ferdinand found love out of the deleterious (SAT) shipwreck. Another thing that brings people together is recognizing ones flaws. When people realize that they might not be as great as they think they are it helps the community move forward and become better. For example Trinculo realized that he should not drink anymore, now he won't spread his disease to the people around him and now the island is a better place.(LOOSE SENTENCE) Many things helped the island become a better place and those were knowledge, tragedy and accepting ones flaws. Now the island is a "brave new world".

If I were to choose three virtues to create a peaceful world I would decide on creativity, enthusiasm and love. Creativity is something that the world needs. Without creativity we would not have music, art or entertainment. Those things are staples of humankind. Enthusiasm is something you would need as well. Would I feel inspired by President Obama's speech to Congress if he was mumbling and not making eye contact with audience as if he did not care? No, I would not. So, you need to have enthusiasm in that the problem will get better and that we can do it! The last and most definitely not least we would need love. Love is what weaves the sometimes ripped and torn blanket of humanity together. Without love this world as we know it would not exist.

On the island of The Tempest all they needed was knowledge, tragedy and the realization of one's flaws. In our world I believe it would take creativity, enthusiasm and love. So many different things could be used to renovate (SAT) beautiful world. Our world is full of, "beauteous mankind" all we need is a little help.

Kimo- Brave New World

Kimo Gray
English 9
Mr. Salsich.

Brave New World
An essay on The Tempest and Society Construction

Webster’s Dictionary defines “Society” as “An organized, voluntary association working together because of common interests, beliefs, or profession.” In William Shakespeare’s play, “The Tempest,” the diverse inhabitants of an island put aside their disparities and disputes so that they can survive in their own “Brave New World.” There are no such things as social classes, no such thing as corrupted power, just a true society, one that molds itself from the shards of rubble into a beauteous symbol for the world to see.

As President Barack Obama promises us, “There is no easy way to fix a problem so intricate and complicated…But hear me, this will be fixed.” There is no such thing as an easy solution. In fact there can be no solution to the problem like the one in “The Tempest” if not for forgiveness. Through forgiveness, Prospero was able to thwart Antonio and Sebastian’s plot. Through forgiveness, Ferdinand found and was allowed to marry the love of his life. Through forgiveness, Prospero was able to free himself from his confinement to magic. Some of the most unappreciated machines on Earth are timepieces. Slowly meshing the cogs within, clocks are always on a correction coarse to define our when. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. This is how this “Brave New World is;” The inhabitants of the Island know the difficulties that lie ahead, but must rely on each other, on each individual ‘cog,’ so that they can excel in the prosperity of peace. (Loose sentence) This eccentric congregation (Sat); a jester, a drunk, a monster with inner beauty, two conniving brothers, a solemn king, a renounced duke, his daughter and the love of her life, an old man with more wisdom that hairs on his beard, and all the other shipmen, fairies, and wonders of the Island rejoice in this Brand New World, one which requires everybody willing to love to lend a tender hand.

Though there is no clear recipe for a new society, there are a few key elements required.(Periodic Sentence) While forming a new society, you have to accept that not everything is going to work out at once. One important trait needed is flexibility, or the ability to take your society and mold whatever isn’t working into something else. A society can never be perfect, but if you don’t enhance it than adversity(SAT) is inevitable. Another key trait involved in a society is responsibility. As a mentioned earlier, a society isn’t just one or two people. It is many people, who all have to pull their own weight for everyone to succeed. A third trait required is humility. In order to form a “Brave New World” you have to be amicable(SAT), and accept that everyone is equal and that you are as equal as everyone else. Along with humility comes simplicity, or the simple need to put away our pompous egos and work together, or else we’ll die alone. Flexibility, responsibility, humility, these are but three of the many virtues that make up a society, but when harnessed, are a force unprecedented.

As we examine these elements of society, I question, “Does our own society uphold these virtues?” The answer I found, was no. Sadly, our society today focuses more on cheating, stealing, lying, all the things a society does not need. We are going through bad times lately, but as long as we remain flexible, maintain our responsibilities to our nation, and uphold the humble title of American, than we, just like the citizens of the Island, can make our world a better place.


Parker Verhoeff

Mr. Salsich

English 9

A Brave New World:
An Analysis on What Was Done in The Tempest, and What Needs to be Done Today

An island full of society's rejects; misfits that hadn't even found the place where they fit in, somehow found the key to happiness. They made ammends; reconciled with eachother. They each had the courage, and diligence to carry out this incredible deed.

In The Tempest, Miranda realizes "how beauteous mankind is!" The rest of the characters agree, explaining how they all are now reborn.-Loose Sentence Gonzalo goes on to say "In one voyage did Claribel her husband find at Tunis, and Ferdinand, her brother, found a wife where he himself was lost, Prospero [found] his dukedom in a poor isle and all of us [found] ourselves when no man was his own." In one shipwreck, there was happiness to be found. At the end of the long, dark tunnel of despair, there was a light. A light that shines bright, on this "brave new world". Even Caliban, Stephano, Antonio and Trinculo, who were portrayed as the villains throughout the story, have now reconciled-FAST. After, they drank themselves to pure oblivion for the majority of the play, they realized their wrong-doings, and since Prospero has forgiven them, they forgave themselves. This action was as much necessary as it was, extraordinary. Prospero had forgiven them because he needed closure himself. He had realized that his magic wasn't all that good either, so he drowned his books, and broke his staff along with it. Two shipwrecks, caused many more people the happiness they deserved.

For our world- our realities- to ever become as peaceful and ostentatious-FAST, as the spurious-FAST, evanescent-FAST world on the Island of The Tempest, we need diligence, forgiveness, and courage.-Periodic Sentence We would need to be diligent to forgive, and we would need the courage to do it. As Prospero forgave his enemies, we need to stop holding our useless grudges that benefit no one. Forgiveness would end all wars, all conflicts that have been going on in this world for centuries. For instance, Muslims have been prosecuted by the Christians since the crusades. Since there has been no forgiveness between these to parties, we are at war with them today, in Iraq. I know this seems a little naive, but if you think about countries forgiving other countries for things that were done a long time ago, we would be living in a much better place then we are now.-Compound-Complex Sentence We all need to show the courage that was portrayed by all of the rejects on that island. This has to be done dilligently, and with dignity. I feel like we were taught this in kindergarten; if someone hits you don't hit back, use your words. It is something that is as simple enough to teach to five year olds, but complicated enough to fill the world with violence and terror for milleniums to come.

This "brave new world" can be our world. We are as courageous as Prospero, and diligent as Ariel. Their perfect island, can become reality. But we need to redeem ourselves first. We need to find ourselves, until the warm blanket of redemption comforts and relieves us of our cruelty.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Scarlet's Essay

Scarlet Caruso
English 9
Hamilton Salsich
An essay on the effects of music in Shakespeares's The Tempest and in my life
TS:We all have something that calms us. SD:It could be a fresh cup of coffee in the morning or a kiss on the head from your mother before going to sleep. SD:There is something that makes us hide every bad quality we posses and makes us seem kind and calm. CS:Caliban's something is music.(SHORT SENTENCE)
TS:Caliban, a horrid creature, is only calm when his music is playing.(APPOSITIVE) SD:Caliban loves music and music loves Caliban. (CHAISMUS) CM:The music, "gives[s] delight and hurt[s] not." CM:He loves nothing more than his "sounds and sweet airs". SD:Caliban believes that music can make anything happen. CM:The music makes him happy and let's him dream while asleep. CM:He even believes, " the clouds [...] would open and show riches" when the island's music plays. CS:To Caliban nothing is better than this music of his and he absolutely loves it. (COMPOUND -COMPLEX SENTENCE)

TS:Caliban is not the only one that is affected my music, we all are. SD:I truly love music. CM:It makes me dance, makes me sing, makes me joyous. CM:When listening to a good song, I can't help but dance around. SD:I only need a song I know well, to start belting out the words. CM:Some songs make me feel so intensely, it's mind blowing. CM:For example, "Across The Universe" by The Beatles has the ability to bring me to tears. CM:As I sit listening to the winding melodies and the beautiful lyrics I can't help but be so amazed that I begin to cry. SD:Music will always be a part of what I do. CS:I, like Caliban, believe, "[the] thousand twangling instruments" can make anything happen.
TS:Everyone needs something that makes them relax. SD:For Caliban and I, music is that something. SD:Without music, without those graceful tunes, without our beautiful instruments we would both have nothing.(PARRALLEL PREPOSITIONAL ) CS:Anything could be calming to someone but for Caliban and I, music is that drug, that beautiful oasis that brings us total happiness.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Kate's Post

Kate Scott
February 18, 2009
Mr. Salsich
English 9

Music in The Tempest and in My Life

Music has different effects on different people. For some it lets them focus on dreaming. For others it makes the want to dance. But no matter who the person is, it affects them.

TS Everyone has something that calms them, something that can push everything out of their mind so they can have a peaceful moment. SD Caliban’s peaceful place is when hearing the islands music. CM Caliban cannot pick when the magnificent music starts to play. CM But whenever it starts the “ thousand twangling instruments” can make him forget about everything else. SD When this music starts he cannot stop falling into a dream. CM The music is so strong that even after a long sleep he will still fall into a dream when the music begins. SD While reading “The Tempest” I noticed that imprisonment was brought up a lot. CM Caliban is imprisoned when the music starts to play. CM But to Caliban the music is a good imprisonment, because he is trapped in his dreams. CS Caliban has found his peaceful place through music.

TS Music can be found any where in my life. SD No matter what I’m doing music is there to help me do it. CM Doing my homework is never a fun thing to do. CM If I have my music on I can sing along and it makes the time go by little bit quicker. SD Another way that music is in my life is when I play the piano. CM I’m not the best pianist, but when I finally master a song, it makes me feel exhilarated [FAST]. CM practicing the piano can be tedious [fast] but knowing that I will be able to make my own music is worth it. SD Just like Caliban I can be imprisoned by music. CM When my Ipod turns on and the music starts to play I start to feel excitement. CM When this feeling starts I can’t help but to sing and dance along.

Music can do many things. It can help you, it can make you dance, it can make you dream, or it can put you in a trance. It will always be around you.

Kimo Gray 2.17.09

Kimo Gray
English 9
Hamilton Salsich

There are many forces of nature, be them wind or fire, love or loss. Humans also have their own forces, ranging from steamrollers to electric stoves. But there is one force both created and appreciated by nature and humans that produces pure emotion. Music is a strength that is shared with everyone who listens, including Caliban.
TS There are many types of drugs. There are legal drugs that treat you for sickness, illegal drugs that alter your state of mind, and then there are personal drugs, things in our life that simply make us feel good. SD1 For Caliban, music is a drug.(Short Sentence) CM He finds comfort in the “thousand twanging instruments” that echo in his ears. CM The sweet symphony of the Island supports him. SD2 In The Tempest, music is seen as a recurring theme, more often as a weapon than a pleasure. CM But Caliban, the monstrous, wretched beast that he is, feels love for those few stanzas that flit through his mind, and when he dreams true bliss, “[He] cried to dream again.” CM Caliban is confined to the music, as it is his only freedom from his detestable life. SD3 What Caliban does not know, is that this music, this wonderful source of joy he clings onto, is actually just Ariel, performing Prospero’s bidding. CM This music is not real. CM It is just another ploy to control Caliban, to control the Island, to control Prospero’s world. CS1 Caliban truly is a pawn in Prospero’s game, but his hatred runs deep, and the music is the only thread that holds Caliban to humanity.( Appositive as a Sentence Opener) CS2 Once Caliban learns of the music’s true purpose, than he will be singing a different tune, not the refrain of servitude, but the cacophony of revenge.
TS Music is a force which induces varying affects on me. SD1 Depending on many factors, such as mood, place, or time, music can be a soothing agent, something to take my mind off everything. CM When listening to music, I can go to my own world, where I can find peace and clarity. CM It can help me focus on my tasks at hand. SD2 But music can have an opposite effect, one in which excites me more than everything. CM I love music, and when it is pounding in my ears all I want to do is dance. (Compound-Complex Sentence) CM Music, unlike for Caliban, is a release for me, a key to my chain to reality that lets me roam free. SD3 Most importantly, music is a way for me to deal with everything. CM Cope with loss, with pain, with stress,(3 prepositional phrases) music is all these things. CS Life is hard, and whether I’m listening to one of my childhood country favorites, or just the sweet sounds of nature, music is my bubble, my liberator, and my strength.
One song I listen to often is “Riding with Private Malone,” by David Ball. It is a country song that tells the story of a man who experiences visions of a long-dead soldier, who even saves him from a car crash. This song had a lot of meaning for me when I was younger, so it still holds that special place in my heart. This is just one of the many ways the force of music moves me.


Parker Verhoeff

English 9

Mr. Salsich

The Force of Music:
An Analysis of Music in The Tempest, and My Own Life

1:Caliban is horribly deformed and malicious; I am just a kid. 2: But we do have one thing in common, music has a powerful affect on us. 3: Caliban can leave his horrific life with the force of music, and it can make me melt in the sun. 4: Music is a force that can break through the strongest of barriers, the barrier of the human spirit.

TS: In Shakespeare's, The Tempest, Caliban is imprisoned, but it seems he can escape the solitude with music. SD: "Be not [afraid]; the isle is full of noises", Caliban knows of these wonderful sounds on the island, and he can't get enough of it. CM: He goes on to say that "sometimes a thousand twangling instruments will hum about mine ears, and sometime[s] voices", which he believes is beautiful. CM: When that humming stops however, he can't function without it, and he "cries" to hear it once more. SD: When he heard this music he dreamt "the clouds [...] would open and show riches ready to drop upon me", and when he awoke he hoped that he would soon be asleep again to witness this magical feat-(Compound-Complex Sentence). CM: He would hope to soon be asleep, to escape his horrible life-(Short Sentence). CM: Since he's confined within is own native island, music is all he has to help him cope with his struggles-(Appositive - Sent. Opener). SD: Caliban is perceived as this horrible creature, but music seems to open the door to a more kind and gentle Caliban that we haven't seen before. CM: It lets you see that Caliban is more of a three-dimensional character as Prospero. CM: Caliban is not just a tough brute, who is only good for manual labor, he has a soft side after all-(Compound-Complex Sentence). CS: Music is a powerful force that can turn Caliban- a huge, monstrous creature- into a sweet and full-hearted being-(Appositive - Noun).

TS: In my life, music plays an enormous part. SD: I can do anything while listening to music. CM: Even while I'm writing this paragraph, I am listening to music. CM: I also listen to music while I read, and while I do nothing. SD: In addition to listening to music, I can play music- by myself, with my friends, or in my mind-(3 Consecutive Prepositional Phrases). CM: I love to play the drums, by myself is great, but with my friends it's even better. CM: However, in my mind the music is expressed in the form of patting on my knees, or drumming with my fingers on tables, which is a perfect way to release my ever-flowing energy. SD: Furthermore, like Caliban, music makes all of my worries melt away, like a snowman beneath the sweltering (FAST) sun. CM: I can be so angry, I can't even talk, but music calms me , and reassures me that everything is going to be alright. CM: Music was, is, and always will be there for me. CS: I absolutely love music, and it's the one thing that I'll constantly have throughout my life.

1: Music is with everyone.-(Short Sentence) 2: It can be found everywhere, and can be heard for miles and miles. 3: It's in the trees, and in the birds soaring above them. 4: Music is the universal solvent that blends us all together.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Kimos Essay

Kimo Gray
Mr. Hamilton Salsich
English 9

The Freedom of Confinement:
An Essay on Liberation through Imprisonment
I have felt imprisonment in my life. True, this had not felt anything like the confinement of the Holocaust, nor have I been incarcerated. But I have felt imprisonment. Though painful, it is something I must endure to appreciate my freedom. There will always be forms of imprisonment, but there are a variety of freedoms.
There are many forms of Imprisonment, be them physically or mentally, rightful or unjust. If I was to be imprisoned, there would only be one thing that could keep me happy, the song “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” by Monty Python. This song is at heart, a funny song, and at 4:29 seconds long it may not seem very extensive, but I’ve had so many memories with this song, be them long car trips with my family to my friends and I trying to interpret the line “For life is quite absurd… And You must always face the curtain with a bow,” that reliving all these memories would take days. This song’s title truly speaks for itself, this is a song about how atrocious (FAST) the world can be and how strength can be found anywhere, and I find comfort in that. If I had to live in a place where I had no control over my life besides hearing this one song, then I could have the happiness that everyday sustains me. Every day my highlight is the same: coming home and getting a big hug from my little brother. I love him dearly, and I think even going away to school next year would be a sort of “imprisonment” in the sense that I wouldn’t get to see him every day. It would be great to be able to see him every day if I was imprisoned, but it would just be too painful knowing that I wouldn’t be “with” him. At least away at school, I would be able to communicate and interact with him, even if it be from a distance. These requests might seem strange to some people, but these are two attributes of my day that would truly make me happy.
Freedom is hard to describe. It is liberation, the lifting of weight off your shoulders. For me freedom is represented in music. To be as free as an unwritten symphony is freedom. With the dozens of instruments, chords, notes and melodies there are endless possibilities to envision, to create, and to embrace (Tricolon). Though music may sound similar, there is never a piece that is played the same way twice. I also wish to be as free as a daydream, taking me to faraway places I didn’t know existed. From a mozzarella castle in the middle of Iceland, to a grape drink Jacuzzi, daydreams are unbounded (FAST). For me, freedom is simply the ability to imagine, be that musically or musingly.
I am not free. There is always some constraint, some imposition, some unappreciated task (Tricolon) that holds me from achieving complete freedom, such as a school essay. But even then freedom is found, in spurs of words, and jumbles of wisdom. There is freedom everywhere, but the only way to see it is to not concentrate on breaking out of prisons, but to concentrate on nothing in particular, and to just wonder.


Kate Scott
February 3, 2009
English 9
Mr. Salsich

Confinement and Freedom:
An Essay About Imprisonment and Freedom

If you were ever imprisoned and could only ever see one thing for the rest of your life what would you choose? When you were imprisoned what would you like to be as free as? Only ever seeing one thing again and picking what I would like to be as free as would be hard and I don’t now what I would choose.

There is one person and one thing I would like to see if I was ever imprisoned. One person who I would like to see every day is my cousin Brianna. No matter what the situation is Brianna always knows what to say. If it’s to cheer me up, to calm me down, or to make me laugh I can always count on her (purposeful repetition). That would be the kind of person I would want, and need to see every day to keep me going. Another thing that I would like is my Ipod. My Ipod has so many songs that have been the soundtracks to places I have been and songs that my friends and I have listened to constantly. Listening to the songs will give me hope that one day I might see thoughts places again, or see my friends again. With Brianna and my Ipod I think I could survive imprisonment.

When I am dreaming I am free. A dream can take me anywhere, can let me be anything, and can let me do anything. When dreaming your imagination can take you places that you have never gone to but always wanted to. Its not always possible to drop everything and go where you want to, but dreams let me escape to far away places that I know I would not be able to get to. Dreaming also allowed me to relive my memories from the past. When I relive these memorizes I can change the out come. I can take a past experience that was not pleasurable and make it better. Dreaming can give you so many options, that is my I wish to be as free as a dream.

If I were ever imprisoned I would wish to see my cousin and my Ipod. These two things would keep me my self and would give me hope to one day be free. Even with this Brianna and my Ipod I think I would still with to be free. If I was like a dream then maybe I could escape imprisonment and be free.
Parker Verhoeff
English 9
Mr. Salsich

Imprisonment and freedom are complete opposites, and I haven't experienced either one. Imprisonment is what stands in the way of freedom, and freedoms are what stand in the way of imprisonment-Chiasmus.

Imprisonment is something I plan on never experiencing. No matter what comes to my window, there's nothing that could take my mind off the confinement, the solitude-FAST, and the isolation of my cell-tricolon. I despise enclosed spaces, and knowing I will not be able to get out of them is even worse. Even if there was a window or opening that might give me comfort, I doubt I would notice it. The thought of, "Will I ever get out?" will keep ringing through my head, like a church bell ringing through empty streets and echoing off every building. I can't think of anything that would get rid of my sorrow, if I were to be enclosed in any way shape or form. It's terrible to even think about, not being able to see, hear, or even speak to anyone.-3 action verb The imprisonment itself is not what scares me as much as the deep seclusion-FAST I would feel.

On the contrary, I would like to be as free as I can be. As Zack says so eloquently-FAST, "My problem is I don't want limitations. I want boundlessness. I want to push the limits and find that were never really there." I want to be able to walk, be able to bike, be able to drive, be able to swim, or even be able to fly without coming across any brick walls.-quartcolon Even without being technically "imprisoned" there are still rules that we must abide by. One of my favorite movies is called, Into The Wild, where the main character decides to leave behind everything that ties him to modern society, and hitchhikes across America heading to Alaska-"The Wild". He embarks on this self-fulfilling journey, changing his name to Alexander Supertramp, and forgets all of his worries. Now I'm not saying I want to go to Alaska, or leave behind everything I ever knew, but it would be nice to forget my worries for a summer at least. Imagine how amazing it would be to not have to think about anything, besides the next step you take on the pavement. So ,yes, I would like to be as free as I can be, as free as a "Supertramp".

Although, I haven't experienced imprisonment, I haven't experienced true freedom either. Just like Alexander Supertramp (or Christopher McCandless), I want to embark on my own journey where there's no such things as confinement or seclusion. I want to be able to have true freedom, without true imprisonment-purposeful repetition.

Scarlet's Essay

Scarlet Caruso
English 9
Hamilton Salsich

Imprisonment and Freedom
An Essay on the themes of Shakespeare's The Tempest :

If you found yourself captured or imprisoned, what would you say to the person who caught you if they asked, "What would you like to see out of the single window you are permitted?". Also, when imprisoned what would you wish to be free as? Most people will never find themselves in this situation but it is very perplexing to think of what you would say or do. How would you deal with being caged like a bird?

If I was imprisoned the one sight I would want most to see out of my window would be of "The Bluff". The Bluff is a large hill on the island of Martha's Vineyard and it looks out on the everlasting ocean. The first reason I would want to see the view would be because at sunrise the scene is an inspiration for living. I would know that I may be imprisoned but there is a reason for life. I would know that I needed to carry on because it would be worth it in the end. Secondly, at night the stars assure me. They assure me that if I should die, imprisoned, there is an afterlife. I would be reminded of the song "Closing Time" and the words that they sing, "every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." I would love to see the view from The Bluff because it is inspiring and uplifting.

I would like to be as free as a song. I would like to be a continuous flow of notes and melodies. There is no way to stop music from being made. Even when someone may press pause the music can continue on in your head, in your heart, in your soul. Also why I would want to be free as song is because you can create anything with music. You can create tunes, emotions, melodies with the notes you sing. Also the lyrics in songs can go anywhere. They could be meaningless ballad of nothingness or beautiful swirling words full of enough emotion to make someone cry. To me music can be anything and it seems to be an ideal freedom. I would like to be as free as music.

If I ever find myself captured I would be content if I had a window looking out on The Bluff and beyond. Yet even with that luxury, I would still wish that I could be free as music, flowing in and out of minds. Someone could never be completely joyous with confinement but to see a view that inspires could be a plus and you could dream of one day being as free as you want.

orange= FAST word
purple= tricolon