Monday, May 4, 2009

Scarlet's Essay

Scarlet Caruso

English 9

Hamilton Salsich


Losing Love:

An essay on two poems and my life

1: What if you dropped a penny down a drainpipe? 2: Would you say “Adios!” to it or maybe you would ponder how quickly life takes things from you? 3: Most people would not do this but Emily Dickinson and Naomi Shihab Nye would be inspired by this small loss. 4: They both understand the strange way that life’s large hands can quickly grab the things you care for.

TS: In the poem "Adios" Naomi Shihab Nye has a abnormal (FAST) way of looking at parting. SD: She says use it to your advantage. CM: "Strap it to your back like wings" and you will become a better person because of it. CM:If you look at parting as a good thing it can help you. SD: Ms. Nye also mentions, "If you are known for anything" it should be that you are able to let go of things. CM: Being strong enough to say goodbye is a great thing to be known for. CM: She believes that allowing yourself to let go of things is a wonderful quality. CS: Naomi Shihab Nye thinks of parting in a way that most don't; she believes saying goodbye can be a marvelous thing.

 TS: In Emily Dickinson’s poem she talks about life and the way it makes us part from things we love. SD: She says that, “[her] life closed twice before it’s close.” CM: So far she has had to part from things, twice, that were very important to her. SD: Ms. Dickinson talks about other events that might be thrown her way. CM: She wonders if, “If Immortality unveil A third event to [her].” CM: She thinks about how fragile life is, how you never know when you have to say goodbye, and how you can never tell what the future holds. CS: You never know what bad things are going to come your way in life and Emily Dickinson explains that perfectly through her poem.

 SD: From saying goodbye to life long friends to losing a favorite t-shirt to the dryer, I have lost many things. (PERIODIC SENTENCE) SD: For example, last year my best friend Ethan told me that we wasn’t returning to Pine Point the following year and I was heartbroken. CM: He had been through it all with me but I had to learn to say goodbye and accept that I would have to survive a year without him. CM: In this time I had to try to, “Strap [this goodbye] to [my] back like wings” and use it to fly past the worries I had. SD: Another example of loss in my life was when I lost my security blanket “Tickle Blanket”. CM:I had lost somewhere in the large supermarket and when I realized it was gone I was terrified. CM: From ages 1-6 I brought the blanket with me absolutely everywhere and when I lost it I felt, “My life close{d}” CM: Now that I look back on the memory it doesn’t really seem that scary but at the time I felt that I had really lost a huge part of my life. SD: A final example of losing things in my life is now. CM: As the days get warmer I cannot help but to feel a certain discomfort and this is because I know an ending is near. CM: I am so nervous for graduation, for not seeing my best friends everyday, for not feeling completely comfortable all the time. (LOOSE SENTENCE) SD: As these wonderful times begin to end I want to try to be known for, “the way [I] rise out of sight when [my] work is finished,” here at Pine Point School, my home. CM: I want to try to be graceful in my leaving and not sob and cling on to the place I love most. CS: In my life I have lost people and objects I love most. CS: Naomi Shihab Nye and Emily Dickinson both describe the loss in my life perfectly through their brilliant and creative writing.


1: In my life I have tried to, “let everything, easily, go.” 2: Both of these poets tenaciously describe how it feels to lose and how to learn from it. 3: Loss can be hard no matter how big or small but you must, “use it,” and realize that life is, “hopeless to conceive,” loss. This coming June I will, “rise out of sight,” from this wonderful place I love, gracefully.


Kate Scott said...

Amazing essay!! I loved you intro paragraph. every week your intro paragraphs hook me, especially this weeks. You should look is this sentence:

"In my life I have had to, “let{ting} everything, easily, go.”

I don't think you need the -ing added to it.
Also, I don't know if you need the coma before this quote.
Just check on thoughts things and then you will have a MARVELOUS essay!!!
-Miranda the amazing pouncer.

pverhoeff said...

GREAT JOB! I also was hooked in completely from your opening paragraph. I really like how you said, "They both understand the strange way that life’s large hands can grab the things that you care for so quickly." But in this sentence, "She says use it to your advantage," you'll need a comma after says. Also in this sentence, "She wonders if, “If Immortality unveil A third event to [her].” You don't need the first "if", because the quote will blend into the sentence a lot nicer. Overall, I truly enjoyed this essay, and I believe it's the best one you've written the whole year.

Anonymous said...

Scarlet,that was awesome!! You're topic paragraph was superb as it immediately hooked me! One thing you need to do is read through and remember to put a comma at the end of a quotation, "like this," and to label you're special tools. You obviously put a lot of work into this essay, it deserves an A.