Tuesday, November 4, 2008

TS: When you read a story you think that you fully understand the plot and what the author is trying to say, but maybe you don't. SD: When I re-read "The Garden Party" I noticed so many important things that I didn't see before. SD: Re-reading helped me understand the story so much better. CS: Maybe at first re-reading a story seems silly but it really does make a difference.

TS:When I re-read "The Garden Party" I noticed three key parts of the story that I didn't see before. SD:Firstly, I didn't really notice how often Katherine Mansfield used extravagant in the story. CM:She used this word about five times over and I think it was to make a point that Laura was being very over dramatic. CM:The first time I read this story I did not take notice to this repetition. SD:Another thing I didn't see before was how Laura sings Life Is Weary and then she says at the end of the story that life is darling. CM:I didn't notice the obvious contrast between the two before. CM:Without re-reading this story I would not have thought about that. SD:Before I re-read The Garden Party I didn't fully realize how much class distinction there is. CM:Laura and her brother are disgusted by the small cabin down the hill from them. CM:It was a very important part of the story that I did not realize before. CS:Now after re-reading I see how much it can show you the main idea of the story.

TS: I noticed so many others important concepts when I read this story again. SD: I noticed how often the author repeated one word for emphasis. SD: I also noticed the contrast she was purposefully making between to parts of the story. CS: Re-reading a story may seem like a strange and annoying thing to do but in the end it truly helps out the reader.

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