Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Kate's Essay!!!

When you’re at home reading a book, do you ever think to re-read it? At first I didn’t think to either. But while reading “The Garden Party” by Katherine Mansfield for the second time I realized how much I missed the first time reading, and how helpful it is to reread books.
When you first read, “The Garden Party” there is a lot to take in, and sometimes you miss it. But when you re-read the book you find out so much more about Laura and her family. They may not be the most important facts, but the little things make the story. For example, in the beginning of the story they talk about how Laura is the most creative daughter, and was good at placing things and how she could do it better then any one else. But when you keep reading, the work men think they can do it better and they do, they place the marquee where she didn’t even think to put it. Also, when you’re reading the book over the second time, you may have missed that they talk about classes a lot and how much it separates people. Even though Laura and her family lived down the road from a poor family, they never knew each other. Even when the man died who was poor, her family didn’t even think of canceling the party. Laura was the only one who thought to do that, when she told her family about it they told her it was absurd to do such a thing. I was really surprised that Laura was the only one who really cared about the peoples feeling even though they weren’t in her class. If I didn’t re-read the book, I would not have noticed any of these things.
Re-reading “The Garden Party” really changes my opinion about the story. At first I was not excited about having to re-read it again, because I did not enjoy it. But once I read it for the second time, and got a closer look in to the writing I learned to appreciate the short story much more.

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