Monday, December 15, 2008

Scarlet's Essay

TS:What if one morning you, yawning and stretching, woke up and realized that so many things you have done in your past have affected your future? SD:Now you regret those silly things you did a long time ago because your life would have been better if you had or hadn't done them. SD:Regrets haunt everyone. SD:It doesn't matter if you are 20 or 103, you will always have regrets. SD:But is it right for a fourteen-year-old girl to worry about the fact that she didn't study for a upcoming test and then failed it? CS:Is it fair for the poor teenager to nag herself about it and put herself down because of it?

TS:Why do people have regrets? SD:Maybe it is because you did something and it hurt someone you love. CM:If only you had thought before you had said because now you have lost the person forever. CM:That can really hurt because you know that one thing you have done of said made you lose that relationship. SD:Perhaps you should have said something that you didn't and you know that you would have had more fun because of it. CM:For instance, say you didn't ask your special someone to dance. CM:You now regret it because you know that you would have had a great time together. CS:Regrets affect so many people and sometimes the regrets are silly little things or something that cost you a important relationship.

TS: I have many regrets that I try not to dwell on to often. SD:Firstly, I wish that when I was younger I enjoyed the small amounts of homework each night and the fact that all I had to worry about was whether I would be the line leader the next day. CM:Now I look back and it all seems so easy compared to the essay's we write each week and worrying about which high schools I am going to get into. CM:I wish that I had cherished the carefree moments of my childhood. SD:Another regret I have is not getting to know as many kids while out on Martha's Vineyard for the summer. CM:I had many opportunities to make knew friends but, I choose to stay inside watching TV. CM: Although I made one really good friend, I wish I had made others. SD:Finally, one of my biggest regrets is the mistake I made in seventh grade. CM:I had a friend and at the time we were becoming best friends. CM:I thought that I could tell her anything and that we would be there for one another through whatever. CM:Then one week she had been annoying to me and I thought it was a good idea to tell another friend that I didn't really like this girl anymore. CM:It was one of the most ludicrous mistakes I've ever made. CM:In short my friend and I are not as close as we were and it makes me sad because I know that if I had just kept my mouth shut we could still be great friends. CS:Some of my regrets are simple slip-ups that could have easily been avoided while others are ones I will always carry with me for a long time but no matter what, they are regrets and they all bother me sometimes.
TS: Regrets affect millions of people everyday. SD: We all have frivolous regrets like forgetting to where our red shirt instead our blue shirt. SD: Then there are the regrets that annoy us daily and the ones where we know our lives would have been better if we had acted differently. CS: No matter where you are or however old, regrets can hurt and bother but it is just a way of life.
Date: 12/15/08 Assignment: Regrets Essay
1. I am trying to work on my grammar, such as spelling and punctuation. Also making sure that everything is under one large "umbrella".
2. I enjoy my fast words and I believe they are apt. Also I think this is a somewhat organized essay.
3. I am not entirely sure that my chiasmus is completely correct. My second body paragraph is also not in perfect 11-sentence form because I needed more sentences
4. My Grade: C

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