Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Scarlet Caruso

English 9

Mr. Salsich

October 21, 2008

Have you ever looked at your self in the mirror and said, “Wow I appreciate who I am!”? Zora Neale Hurston loved almost everything about her self, and she tells us that through her essay, “How It Feels To Be Colored Me”. She looks at the positive things in life instead of the negative. She shows us a rule that maybe we should all live by; appreciate who you are!

In Zora Neale Hurtson’s essay she writes about how she appreciates who she is. She loves being herself and really does not care what other people think. She is not a quiet person and loves expressing herself. Hurston relished the way she was, and tells us that a lot. Also, she really didn’t mind being a colored person back when African Americans were discriminated against. She knew that white people didn’t like her very much but that didn’t stop her from being herself. She never got angry when people were mean to her. She acknowledged her abilities to see things in a different way than others did. She loved music and the fact that she could enjoy it in the way she did. She loved performing for the white people who came through her town, loving the fact that she had the courage to do it. Zora Neale Hurstson loved her body, loved her mind and loved her life.

Hurston appreciated herself so much, so I wonder, what do I appreciate about myself? One thing I appreciate about my self is the fact that I can make people laugh. When one of my friends needs cheering up and I can get them to laugh, it’s wonderful. I like that I can make other people happy. Secondly, I don’t really care what other people think about me, which is nice. I love being who I am and expressing my self. I appreciate that I don’t mind being me! Lastly, I think that I am good to my friends. When I’m nice to my friends both of us are happy. When I’m a good friend they appreciate me as a good pal. I love making others laugh, I love being myself and I love being a good friend.

Zora Neale Hurston and I appreciate who we are. We love being who we are and love to make others laugh. She believed that it was magnificent to appreciate who you are. In conclusion, I believe that everyone has something about them that they appreciate, so I leave you with one question; what do you appreciate about yourself?

bold= purposeful repetition
italics= FAST word


Kate Scott said...

I liked alot of things in your essay, but one thing I really loved was your intro paragraph. It really hooked me and I couldnt stop reading. but in the secound paragaph it seemed like you were youing "she" alittle bit to much. just make that change and your essay will be a humdinger!

Anonymous said...


I liked how your second body paragraph flowed. Two things to change would just be longer sentences, like in the concluding paragraph, and I'm afraid I don't think some of you FAST words were apt. Other than that GREAT JOB!

P.S. I have to say, we are all thankful for your ability to make us laugh.

P.S.P.S. Kimster? I can live with that lol.

pverhoeff said...

Excellent job Scarlet! I agree with Kate, your topic body paragraph really hooked me , and was well-written. But, I also agree with Kimo, maybe you can replace some of the, "she"'s with Ms.Hurston, or just Hurston. Overall, I truly enjoyed reading this wonderful essay!