Monday, October 20, 2008

Kate's Essay!

Kate Scott
Mr. Salsich
October 21, 2008
An Essay on Appreciation shown in the Essay
“How It Feels to Be Colored Me” and My Life

TP: Do you have things about your self that you really appreciate? Zora Neale Hurston has a lot of things she likes and appreciates about her self. Hurston is a confident and outgoing colored person. 4 In her essay, “How It Feels to Be Colored Me” she talks about what she loves and appreciates about her self.

TP: “How It Feels To Be Colored Me” is about Zora Neale Hurston, a woman who is very sure of herself. SD: Ms. Hurston doesn’t really care what people think about her, about her skin color, about her personality, or about how she acts [purposeful repetition]. CM: When she was younger she used to stand out on her porch and dance and talk to the people who walked by. CM: She didn’t mind what other people thought of her while dancing on the porch. SD: Hurston also didn’t let thing get to her. CM: When she was 13 she went to a new school and stood out from a lot of white kids. CM: When they said things to her about the color of her skin she just let it go, because they were the one missing out. They were missing out on her exciting personality, and they were also missing out on a new friendship. [purposeful repetition] SD: Zora Hurston is a very confident person. CM: I felt like the essay could have been summarized with, “this is who I am, take it or leave it”. CM: She is comfortable with who she is, and if some one doesn’t like her, or doesn’t like the color of her skin, it’s their loss. CS: Zora Neale Hurston doesn’t care what people think, because she appreciates her self.

TP: Thinking about what Hurston likes about her self made me wonder what I appreciate and like about myself. SD: The first thing that came to mind was my family. CM: My family has shaped me in to a strong caring person. CM: They have pushed me into the right direction. SD: The second thing I appreciate is my love for sports. CM: Practice is the tedious [FAST] part of playing a sport but knowing that I will become a better player for the sport I love keeps me going. CM: I may not be the best player, but I don’t mind, because I’m doing some thing I love to do. SD: I also appreciate that I can play the piano. CM: I'm not that great of a player, but when I finally master a song, it makes me feel exhilarated [FAST]. CM: Like playing sports, practicing can be boring, but I know if I don’t, I wont be about to play the song. CS: Whether I’m sitting behind a piano, running on a sports field or at dinner with my family I realize I can always find something to appreciate.

TP: No matter what you’re going through, or what you’re doing, you can always find something to appreciate. It could be your family and friends, sports, or music. But you always have to remember the aspects of your life you appreciate, like Ms. Hurston.


Scaruso said...

What a great essay! You truly understood the essay Ms. Hurston wrote. The only mistake I saw were a few grammatical errors, but if you read your essay over you'll find. Wonderful job Kate!

Anonymous said...

Kate- what do you mean your essays are bad!!??? Twas awesome. I believe that you truly understood the meaning of the essay. Tow things to change would be longer sentences, and just a few grammatical errors. Other than that, great essay.

pverhoeff said...

Great job Kate! You definitely fit all of your sentences under one umbrella. I felt that the whole essay was very clear as well. You did have some grammatical errors, but other than that it was surely a humdinger!