Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A comparison between two quotes
An essay by Scarlet Caruso

When you have questions, you want answers and you’ll usually do anything you have to in order to get them. What if you let the answers come to you? What if you asked the opposite thing from everyone else? The quote from Rainer Maria Rilke’s, Letters to a Young Poet and the quote from George Bernard Shaw both exhort you to do those things.

When you have questions you shouldn't resent the fact that you can’t answer them. Instead try to love the questions, “as if they were locked rooms”. Enjoy the questions, enjoy looking for the answers in every lessons and experience you have. Also maybe it’s okay if you have different questions to answer than other people. Don’t worry, live your life in order to answer your own questions. You should, “live your way into the answers”. Instead of wanting to know, dream the possibilities. You should always, “dream things that never were”. “Live the questions” instead of searching for the answers.
There are also a lot of differences in the messages in these two poems. Firstly, Rilke wants you to take your time in finding answers while Shaw wants you to think of all the possibilities and just go for it. For example Shaw want you to dream it and think ‘why not?’. On the other hand Rilke says, “have patience with everything unresolved in your heart”. Another difference is that Rilke wants you to look for the answers and find them in things that are known but Shaw says dream the answers. Shaw says, “Dream things that never were” or dream the impossible, create your own answer. Wait for your answers in the books you read and in the things you learn is what Rilke tells us to do. Lastly when Shaw says work and pursue for your dreams Rilke tells us to be patient and to wait. I “dream things… and say ‘why not’ ” shouts Shaw. Rilke writes, “don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now”.
There are just as many things alike in this poem as there are differences. Don’t hate your questions love them and think ‘why not’ instead of ‘why’. Dream your answers or wait for them to come. Overall don’t worry about the little questions let them come to you or dream your way into them.

Submitted by:
Scarlet Caruso
September 16, 2008
Pine Point School

bold= FAST word
italics= loose sentence


pverhoeff said...

This essay was very well written. I especially enjoyed the opening paragraph, with all the questions you incorporated into it. But you might want to space the paragraphs farther apart though. There wasn't much else, but there were some sentences like at the end of the second paragraph that were a little confusing.

Kate Scott said...

Scarlet this was a great essay. I liked when you said, "dream the possibilities." I was a little confused on where your fast words were. You said the words would be in bold and then you had on in black and I couldent find the other. I also agree with parker to work on the spacing at the closing paragraph. Good Job Scarlet!

Anonymous said...

Scarlett-AWESOMENESS!!! Way to bring the cool essays to OUR blog and not the other ones!! My favorite part was all the comparisons you were able to find in your two quotes. The only things that stood out to me were your loose sentences, as I weren't actually sure they were loose sentences, and your spacing of the paragraphs. But GREAT job.